Talking about Graphs

Listen to the voicethreads that we made about the incomplete graphs during our videoconference today.

Can you match what each person is saying to the graph they are talking about?

Then make a comment.  Will you give a compliment?  Will you add more information?  Will you ask a question?

Independent Work

Independent work is working by yourself and not talking to your other classmates.  You use the time that your were given wisely.  You do our best work that you can and finish it on time.  You follow the instructions that Miss Duncan gives us.  You think over the instructions if you are stuck before going to the teacher for help.  You do your work on your own and stay on task.  You pay attention and show attentive listening on the carpet.

By Boen, Emily, and Hannah


Collaboration is when you work together.  I always cheer for others when playing with my group in gym.  When I am in my group I think of different ideas to share.  If they don’t work I try different ideas.  I help others and I share with my group.  I get manipulative and give some to my group members and that is collaboration.  Collaboration makes our classroom awesome because we know how to work together.  When we work together our brains attach and we have more ideas.

By Angelyn, Liam, and Maddy


Responsibility is important to your life. Responsibility is staying on task with our work. It also means to help someone with a word or to understand the instructions of a game. Responsibility is listening to other people and putting up our hand to ask questions. We show responsibility when we clean the classroom and pick up garbage on the floor. Responsibility is when we remember to change your shoes at recess and bring our agenda to school.  It is responsible to remember to do our homework by reading at home.  Responsibility is getting our work done and doing our best work.  Responsibility is not bullying people.  That means don’t hurt people with your hands and don’t call people names because that hurts their feelings.  You should always include everyone if they want to play.  Always be responsible!

From Notah, Halley, and Tyson.


Organization is to know where everything is. Keep your writing neat and tidy. So if you go back   you can see what you have written. Keep your things in the right spot. When you know where everything is it helps you find it later. We use things around the classroom to help us work. We use manipulatives and we put them back in the right spot. We use the smartboard and technology in our classroom . We use the success criteria to make sure we have all the steps .Organization makes learning easier.

By Alex, Brianna, Logan and Sophia


Our learning skill is initiative. That mean we always want to learn new things and we are curious. We ask lots of questions. Always taking a risk means that in kick the can even though you know you are going to get tagged we still go and take the risk. It also means that we stand up for others and ourselves. At school it looks like you’re being nice because you make sure that your friend is not hurt when they fall. We are interested in learning and we try to learn outside of the classroom too. We are positive students and thinkers. We never say “I can’t do this”. We never give up but we keep trying. We like to learn because it gives us more schema or things we can put in our brain.

By Ava, Braden, and McKenna

Self regulation

Self regulation means you check in with yourself to see if you are getting better at something. I keep trying even when something is hard.  It means I never give up when problem solving in math. I just pick a different strategy. Self regulation means I ask a question if I need help. I work on setting goals at reading. I keep on trying to get better at reading. I practice and practice my reading goal until I’m better. Self regulation helps me to think and get good grades.

By Aidan, Brayden and Maddie


Learning Skills

Learning skills are important because they help us to be a good student.  There are six different learning skills: responsibility, independent work, collaboration, initiative, organization, and self-regulation.  We are learning about all six of the  learning skills.  We can use these skills when we are older. These skills are important in life because they will help us succeed. Learning skills help us to learn. The learning skills make us more polite and help us out with our work.

From Grade 3/4