Writer’s Conference

On Thursday, April 18th, I went to a writer’s conference. It was very cool!

When we first got there, before everyone else had arrived, a nice man my Mum knows introduced me to Kenneth Oppel (author of series like Airborn and Silverwing) and I got some of my books signed.

Then, a woman named Alyxandra Harvey, who is an author of a series about vampires, talked a bit about how she liked to write and where she found inspiration.

After that, Kenneth Oppel talked about how he first discovered how he wanted to be a writer, how he got inspiration, how he first got published, and the processes he actually goes through in writing a book and getting it published. He said he writes his books at least 4 times before he sends it to the publisher!  Mr. Oppel also told us we should sniff books because they smell good and will guaranteed make you have a better life!

After the opening speeches, there were options to go see different writers and a station about how to get published. I chose to stay for the Q&A with Kenneth Oppel.

People asked lots of different questions. Some of the questions and his answers were: “If the library was burning down and you could only save one book, what book would you save?” He said the yellow pages because then you could still find people and places. Another question was “do you base your characters on people that you know?” Mr. Oppel’s answer was that he takes some features from people that he knows but he doesn’t entirely borrow a person.  He was also asked “How many books do you plan to write?” His answer was he plans on writing until he dies, and he didn’t want to set a limit. The question I asked was “Do you have any say in what goes on the covers?” His answer was that in Canada his publishers are more flexible, but in the States, he usually doesn’t have much input, and they pretty much control what goes on the covers. If I wrote a book, I would want to decide what the cover looks like, because that is a very important part of the book, and can influence sales. Some questions I would have liked to ask were “What advice would you give to someone  who would like to start writing?” or “How did you learn some of the slang from the 1800’s in Europe so you could accurately write This Dark Endeavour?”

I think I learned a lot from this conference. I really enjoyed going, and it was tons of fun. I learned what it takes to get published, how long the actual process is to write a book, what the publishers might say/do, and that you should sniff books. I enjoyed meeting Kenneth Oppel and listening to his words of wisdom.

Chinese New Year

The Chinese New Year is a very important celebration in China. Sunday, February 10th, 2013 marked the year of the snake.

There are many festivities associated with the Chinese New Year. On the first day of the Chinese New Year, fireworks are lit, bamboo burned and firecrackers set off to make as much noise as possible to ward off the evil spirits. Some superstitions on this day are to not eat meat, not use a broom and to not light fires, because they are all considered to be bad luck.

On the second day of the Chinese new year, married women get to visit their birth parents. The second day is also believed to be the birthday of all dogs.

On the third, fourth and fifth days,  many special meals are eaten, honouring different things, such as gods and the new year.

On the last day everyone turns one year older.

Up to the fifteenth day prayers are said and festivities take place.

I think the Chinese new year is an interesting celebration and it would be interesting to be a part of!

Groundhog Day

Groundhog day is February 2nd. It is a superstition that if Wiarton Wille (the groundhog) sees his shadow, that there will be 6 more weeks of winter. But, if he doesn’t see his shadow, spring arrives. So, what do you think Wiarton Wille will see at 7:28 tomorrow morning? Let me know in the comments sections below! I hope there will be 6 more weeks of winter, but at the same time I want spring to come.

A Presentation on Stress and Wellness

Today, the grade 8s had another visit from Mr. Shawyer. He was here to talk to us about how to deal with stress. At the beginning of the presentation, we wrote down how people can get stressed, and what it looks like when somone is stressed. Then, we moved on to rotary station work in which we visited websites that can help us deal with stress, and completed a little scavenger hunt to help us explore and understand the websites.

Next, we moved on to take a multiple personalities test, and at the end of the presentation, we discussed how we can use our strenghts to help deal with stress.

The last rotary station was one in which we wrote down positive aspects of other people in our class. It made me feel warm inside seeing what other people had written down about me.

I am glad Mr. Shawyer presented this presentation. If I ever am feeling stressed, I now know what to do.

Flag Football

Last night, Cooch’s flag football team played their first three games out in Rama.  First we played against Marchmont, and although we didn’t win, we played well. The score was 14-8. Our touchdown was scored by Thomas (me) and the two-point conversion was scored by Victoria.  Kylee, Hannah, Gage and Riley were the flag-grabbers.

In the second game we played against Minjikaning, we won 20-0.  We played really, really well. Our touchdowns were scored by Thomas, Connor and Riley. The one conversion we got was completed by Sam.  The defence-people  that got the flags were Jake, Gage, Natalie, Zach, and Alex.

The final game we played in, against Ardtrea, was a hard-fought game. Our team tied Ardtrea 14-14. Ardtrea had one player who was super fast! It was their main source of power and hard to defend against, and our defence defended excellently. Our two touchdowns were scored by Sam and Gage, and the two point conversion was scored by Thomas. Jake was our only defender who grabbed a flag.  We all played excellently and we are looking forward to playing again soon.

Thank you to our coaches Ms. Duncan and Mrs. Flosman! Go Cooch!

The Lorax

Today in class, we read the lorax by Dr. Seuss. In this book, a young boy wants to find out more about the lorax. He meets the once-ler, a creature who we never actually see, and the once-ler tells him storys about how, long ago, the once-ler chopped down many truffula trees to make thneeds, which are peices of clothing. throughout this book, the lorax is constantly telling the once-ler that he is ruining the environment of the truffula trees, the Bar-ba-loots and the humming fish. But the once-ler never listens, and eventually,all of the truffula trees are exctinct. at the end of this book, the once-ler gives the young boy the last truffula tree seed.

I think the main idea of this story was that deforestation can lead to the destruction of communities, and that the more humans cut down trees, the more animals lose their homes.

This was a really good book that taught us alot about the environment.