We Ran For Terry!!!

Every day since school started all the grade 4’s, 5’s, 6’s, 7’s, and 8’s have been training for the Terry Fox Run. Well all that training added up. Today the whole school did the Terry Fox Run in the morning where we had to run up Orma hill and around the block. Some people chose to walk and others chose to run. We did as many laps as we could and then went into the back of the school. It was really fun. 🙂   It was tiring but I think that everyone had a good time. I cant wait to do it again next year. We ran to remember Terry and to keep his dream alive. GO TERRY!!

Silent Birthdays. sshhhhh!

Today in class we did an activity where we had to get into a line from oldest to youngest according to our birthdays. We had to put the very youngest of the class at one end and the oldest at the front of the line while everyone else was in between trying to figure out where they should go. Sounds easy right? Well we couldn’t talk, at all.  We weren’t aloud to talk at all and it made everything much much harder. We all had different ides and it was hard to figure out what everyone was trying to explain to you. We divided into two groups. One group was just grade 7’s. And another group was just grade 8’s. We used our fingers to count out the months. So 7 fingers would be the same as July, and 9 fingers would be the same as September. Then if we had the same month for our birthdays, we would use our fingers again. It was so much fun and I really hope we do something similar to it again.


Creating QR codes!

Today we learned how to create a QR code for the Terry Fox donation website! We are making Billboards for our school Terry Fox run, and Ms. Duncan came up with an amazing idea! To put a QR code on it for people who have smart phones! It’s a fun and easy way to acess a website just by taking a picture! If you want to make a QR code at home just go to this website http://qrcode.kaywa.com/.  Please donate to http://www.terryfox.org/SchoolRun/ or scan this QR code!

Three Cheers For Ms.Duncan

So you know how we came to school a couple weeks ago right? Filled with hope to be with all your friends. Wondering if you are going to make friends. Well that was how I felt. If you were new this year i’ve noticed that you have fit right in. But my point is that we have been lucky to all be in Ms.Duncans class. We have already learned quite a bit. We also have the chance to help the world be a better place.So three cheers for Ms.Duncan


This morning in class ms. Duncan told us we were going to do a team building game. she walked around and put blindfolds on our desks, and we all thought up ideas of what she was trying to do. she explained the game and  said that one person had to put on the blindfold and put the colored smarties onto its own colored piece of paper. and we were allowed to help, we all sat around thinking “oh this is simple” Until… she told us we couldn’t talk. of course then we all had to think of ways to do this without talking we all thought of cool ideas to help out our blindfolded friend. my group thought of clapping our hands over the right piece of paper and snapping when they were over the right one we thought of other ideas but that one worked the best i think it was a fun trust exercise and im sure the rest of the class would agree with. We learned that we need to trust people. ThAnK YoU FoR ReAdInG.

Training for Terry

The intermediate and junior divisions have been running/walking in training for the up coming school Terry Fox run. Our grade 7/8 class alone has run over 1000 laps around the school field. The divisions hope to run “across Canada” just like Terry.  We are have the Terry Fox run on Thursday, September 27, 2012, so don’t forget to bring your running shoes. Please donate money to help cancer research. www.terryfox.org


The Lorax

Today in class, we read the lorax by Dr. Seuss. In this book, a young boy wants to find out more about the lorax. He meets the once-ler, a creature who we never actually see, and the once-ler tells him storys about how, long ago, the once-ler chopped down many truffula trees to make thneeds, which are peices of clothing. throughout this book, the lorax is constantly telling the once-ler that he is ruining the environment of the truffula trees, the Bar-ba-loots and the humming fish. But the once-ler never listens, and eventually,all of the truffula trees are exctinct. at the end of this book, the once-ler gives the young boy the last truffula tree seed.

I think the main idea of this story was that deforestation can lead to the destruction of communities, and that the more humans cut down trees, the more animals lose their homes.

This was a really good book that taught us alot about the environment.

Eco-warrior project

This Thursday we started a project. Not just any project but a project that will help the rainforests. On Thursday we polycomed (skyped) a grade 10 class in Midland. We were informed that we will each get a part of a rainforest in Borneo to moniter. By monitoring this, we will be using using satellite cameras to see people cutting down the trees. If we see this on our computers we will alert it. If a specific number of students alert this piece of rainforest an “agent” in Borneo will go and check it out. So our classes are trainees in the ancient art of being an Eco-Warrior.

Online Safety

 Online Safety Jigsaw

1.  Click on the link for your expert group below.
2. Discuss the information you learned in your Edmodo group.
Group 1:
Group 2:
Group 3:
Group 4:
3. Return to your home group and share what you learned.
4. Independently, answer the following question by making a comment on this post.
How do you keep yourself safe when working and sharing online?