
On Friday, Madison brought in some Tadpoles to share with the class.

Very soon we are going to be starting report writing and the tadpoles are the perfect inspiration.

We had a lot of facts to share about tadpoles.

Thank you to Madison and her mom Tanya for sharing the tadpoles with us.

Digital Storytelling

Today we used the iPod touch to create digital stories using the app Storyrobe.

We took pictures with the iPod touch camera and then added our voices.

Check out Eric’s story:

After you watch Eric’s story, you can watch other videos we have created:

– The Robot by Tristan, Cameron, Ashley L, Georgia, Spencer, Kayla, and April.

– The Stinky Dog by Spencer, Kai, and Darren.

– The Dinosaur by Darren and Cameron

– The Princesses by April and Ashley B

Goodbye Penny!


I have breaking news Grade 2s! I just read in the newspaper that the government is not going to make any more pennies!

I was wondering what you might think about this.  Is this a good thing? Is this a problem? What do you think?

After listening to the facts in the newspaper article this is what we were thinking about:

AshleyL asked “Why is the government making the penny extinct?  We need the penny to buy things.”

Then Brock said, “The government is taking them away because it costs more to make them than how much they are worth.”

Brandon added, “What if something costs 3 cents or 6 cents? You can’t make it.”

Finally, Alex said, “Pennies help us buy stuff but if there are not any pennies we can’t buy something for 3 cents.  We have to use pennies to buy stuff but there are no pennies, so, we have a problem!”

We decided that this was a problem.  What should be done about it?

After discussing the problem here is a summary of what the Grade 2s said:

Kayla – I think when the penny is gone the stores should put the price to 5 cents or 10 cents.

Brandon – They should raise or lower the price. If something big like 9 cents they should move it to 10 and if something is small like 3 cents they move it to 5.

Mason – You have to round up so the store is going to make more money.

Cameron –  If something was 12 cents you would need to give him 15 cents. They might change the prices. The penny will become rare.


A Special Surprise!

Today we had a special surprise!  Tristan and her mom brought in their new bunnies for a visit.

Before they came we recorded some of our thinking about bunnies…


Before they came we recorded some of our thinking about bunnies.

Our schema about bunnies….


  • Kayla – They are nice and soft.
  • Amber – They have to live in a cage.
  • Austin – You have to feed them.
  • Georgia – Some live in the wild and some don’t.
  • Ryan – They are cute.
  • Cody – They eat fruit and vegetables.
  • Brock – Sometimes they are white and sometimes they are black or brown.
  • Alex – They have big ears and they eat carrots.
  • Darren – The Easter Bunny brings chocolates.
  • Brandon – They have cute babies.


We think that Tristan has the most schema about the bunnies because she has had them for a long time and she takes care of them.


Brandon has schema about bunnies because he visits them at his Aunt’s house.


We think that Brandon’s Aunt has the a lot of schema about bunnies because she takes care of them.

We had questions about the bunnies….

Questions about the bunnies….

  • Ashley – What are their names?
  • Cameron – What do you feed the bunnies?
  • Georgia – How old are the bunnies?
  • Darren – Where do you keep the bunnies?
  • Ryan – Where did you get the bunnies or where did you find them?
  • Mason – Are they active? What do they do all day long?
  • Amber – Do the bunnies eat all the time?
  • Cameron – Are they playful? Do you touch them and play with them?
  • Kailee – Do they like to play with toys?
  • Alex – When do the bunnies sleep? How long do they sleep?
If you have a QUESTION about the bunnies or an ANSWER to one of the questions please post it!
If you know a FACT about bunnies or you learned something new from their visit, please post that too!