
Today, the OPP came to our school as part of the Safety Village and we learned about Cyberbullying.

They talked about all things to do with CYBERBULLYING, such as what it is, how to prevent it and sexting, which is a term used by the safety village folk. Sexting is the act of sending controversial photos to another person, which is an act of child pornography. Sometimes the photos get spread around, and is extremely embarrassing and devastating through harassment and teasing.

Check out the Youth Connected website.

Matt and Zach.

Free the Children Buttons for sale

At Couchiching Heights we are supporting Free the Children by selling their “Love” buttons, which will provide help to certain countries by aiding their education, clean water and sanitation, health, alternative income and livelihoods and agriculture and food security. These buttons will be for sale for $2.

Edmodo Surveys

Today for math we created surveys on Edmodo on varying topics such as your favourite Ice Cream, your favourite brand of bottled water or a new club for our school. These surveys will hopefully aid us in helping our school become better in serving its’ students.

Why Joe Kittinger’s Jump was Better than Red Bull Stratos

On Sunday Felix Baumgartner jumped from 128 100 feet and reached a total speed of 1,342.8 km/h. In 1960 Joe Kittinger Jumped from 102,800 feet and reached a total speed of 988 km/h. I think Joe Kittinger’s jump was better.

Joe Kittinger did this 62 years ago. The technology that was used in Kittinger’s jump was primitive compared to Baumgartner’s jump. Baumgartner had a parachute that would automatically open at 5000 feet, no such luck for Kittinger. Joe’s pressurized glove malfunctioned at 43,000 feet and experienced severe pain in his hand while it swelled to twice it’s normal size. He continued up another 59800 feet. Kittinger’s parachute was an old design and was incredibly hard to control. Baumgartners’ chute was a state of the art parachute that is lightyears ahead of Kittinger’s design. Baumgartner weighed 260 pounds with all the equipment and Kittinger had to wear extra clothes and his equipment was much larger and bulkier.

You choose whos jump was your favourite.