Why Do We Read?!

Why read? What good is it? Well their are so many great reasons to read! Some people read for fun, entertainment or because they love to read. Others may read for knowledge. Think of someone famous like Taylor Swift, she has to be a really good reader to read scripts, write songs and really know the meaning of the lyrics. People like Stephen Harpor would need to read for power. He would have to read a lot for knowledge. Do you think he would have been elected for Prime Minister of Canada if he wasn’t smart? A lot of that knowlegde could have come from reading. So some people read for power because knowledge is power and knowledge comes from reading. Also people read to learn about cool stuff they are interested in or they want to learn how to do something. So in conclusion their are so many great reasons to read. Why do you read?

Donations for the Couchiching Jubilee House

Over the last few weeks our class has been learning and talking about the Couchiching Jubilee House (CJH). Recently Marianne, who is in charge of the CJH came into our class to tell us about the CJH. She told us about the families that lived their and what the CJH is all about. The CJH is a place where women and children can come to after leaving difficult situations. The CJH helps them to feel save and secure and to feel like their is always someone who is their for them. The CHJ helps the families that come their to get back into a healthy, normal routine so that they can have a better life. Right now the CJH needs more bathroom products. So, our class has been collecting items like shampoo, toothbrushes, toothpaste, laundry detergent and other bathroom products to donate to the CJH. We hope that we can help the families that live at the Couchiching Jubilee House!!!