A Challenge to All Youth to Join Us!

Ms. Calder’s Grade 10 Science class has published the final copy of the Palm Oil Video! They have used your songs as the sound track!

How does it make you feel? What was your favourite part of this project?

Now that the video has been published, what will you do now with the information and ideas you have discussed, debated and learned?

Read Ms. Calder’s post about the creation of the video called A Challenge to All Youth to Join Us!

Using Technology In Class

In our class we don’t use only a pencil and paper… We use the internet and many different programs to help with our learning. We have been introduced with these programs by Ms.Duncan. She has stated in class that she believes that technology is a great source of information and it has its benefits. We have discussed the pros and cons of technology over the last couple of weeks. I honestly think we have done most of our learning with technology since school started. Therefore I think using technology for learning is a great teaching method.

Creating QR codes!

Today we learned how to create a QR code for the Terry Fox donation website! We are making Billboards for our school Terry Fox run, and Ms. Duncan came up with an amazing idea! To put a QR code on it for people who have smart phones! It’s a fun and easy way to acess a website just by taking a picture! If you want to make a QR code at home just go to this website http://qrcode.kaywa.com/.  Please donate to http://www.terryfox.org/SchoolRun/ or scan this QR code!